Taman Jurong Student Development Award

The Taman Jurong Student Development Award is set up by Taman Jurong Citizens’ Consultative Committee in 2006 to help needy students residing in the constituency with their schooling needs. The schools are given the discretion to decide how to disburse the funds in the best interest of their students – for school fees, enrichment/academic programme, outdoor learning workshop etc. This annual local bursary benefitted more than 500 needy students each year, costing in excess of $250,000.

Lotus Life Foundation has pledged $750,000 over three years period to expand the award’s reach and vision to ensure that children who started with less will not be significantly disadvantaged, especially in education.

What is the Quantum of the TJSDA Award?

  • Kindergarten – $500
  • Primary – $400
  • Secondary – $500
  • JC/ SI/ ITE – $500

What are the Eligibility Criteria?

Applicant must be:

  • A Singapore Citizen/ SPR;
  • A full time student;
  • A resident of Taman Jurong
  • Gross Household Income
    <= $2750, And/ PCI <=$690

For more Information

Please send an email to pa_tamanjurongcc@pa.gov.sg