Lotus-NUS Medical Bursary
Established in 1905 to educate and train medical professionals for Singapore, the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine is a leading medical educational and research institution in Asia.
Inspiring Health for All
Humility, Compassion, Integrity, Respect
- Nurturing the doctors and nurses you would choose to care for your loved ones.
- Developing researchers, seek new knowledge and deliver solutions for better health.
- Serving with humility, compassion, integrity and respect to improve life for all.
NUS Medicine students who need help financially can look forward to support from the Lotus-NUS Medical Bursary – which are bursaries funded by the Lotus Life Foundation. For each of the next five academic years, up to four financially-needy students will be awarded a bursary valued at $33,600 a year. The bursaries will start from the 2017-2018 academic year.
The Singapore-based Lotus Life Foundation also established the Lotus-NUS Fund to provide seed funding for social enterprise start-up projects by Singaporean entrepreneurs from 2017 to 2021. Up to five entrepreneurs or companies will be awarded $25,000 each in funding yearly.